Transcendental Meditation TM

Central and West London

part of the official Transcendental Meditation organisation

maharishi mahesh yogi®
founded by
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ®

Course Fees

£590 for income of 40k+
£490 for income of 40k to 25k
£390 for income of 25k to 15k
£290 for income of 15k or less
Payments can be made by credit card and there is also the possibility of paying by installments

How to learn & course fees Step 1 : Introductory Talk

The first step in learning TM is to attend an introductory talk, it last about an hour. There is no commitment to learn and it doesn't cost anything. The talk covers the benefits of TM, how it works, where it comes from, how it is different from other types of meditation, and prepares you to learn the practice.

Name :

Email Address :

Phone :

To make an appointment for a free introductory presentation please send the form opposite at any time, or contact us by phone on:
020 8749 5442

how to find us

Step 2 : Learning

If you decide to learn, the course is taught over four consecutive days in sessions lasting between 1 and 2 hours each day. The course starts on Saturdays (by personal appointment), Sundays at 10.30am, or Monday and Tuesday at 7.00pm. It is also possible to learn over any consecutive four days. After the course you will able to meditate at home by yourself and enjoy the benefits.

Step 3 : Follow up Programme

About ten days later there is a course review followed by a a six month follow up program in which you can come back as many times as you wish in order to check your meditation to ensure you are practicing correctly and getting the benefits.

[*]The courses are taught by teachers who have been personally trained by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The teaching of Transcendental Meditation is administered by a national educational charity the Maharishi Foundation established by Maharishi in 1960.


Maharishi approved teachers . 35+ years teaching experience. Convenient location
general enquiries 020 8749 5442
Maharishi approved teachers
A local association offering Transcendental Meditation
Founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, under the auspices of Educational Charity No. 270157.